Monday, December 1, 2008

Measures of protection of the Nature

Since the creation of this blogger has like principal objective, to wake the attention of the persons for the evil that we cause to our Environment and á our health. Not only it would stop postair the great problems which caused the degradation of way where we live but also to put measures of protection of our Nature. Then, so that there are qualities of life that does not put our health in risk, it is necessary that the environment there is devidamenbte protege of the aggressions done by the Man. So, it is necessary, between other measures:

  • To reduce the quantity of gases that are sent for the atmosphere;

  • To reduce to quantity of manure, pesticides that are used in the agriculture, which they pollute and contaminate the grounds and the water;

  • To protect the water, trying to treat the sewer pipes;

  • To clean the rivers and forests;

  • To avoid the waste of water;

  • To take care of the domestic garbages;

  • To recycle and to re-use the paper, the glass, using the production of other objects instead of depósitá-los in garbage cans.

Resonant pollution and bright Pollution

We survive all gone of sounds of several types, persons who speak, music of discotheques and bars, noise of the motorcars, principally on days of traffic. The increase of noises in our environment provokes the new form of pollution - the Resonant Pollution.
Completely this it is factors that lead to the appearance of a stress. But the Resonant Pollution, behind with you another type of pollution, not so much known like others, but also equally important. This pollution that is designated by Bright Pollution.
It is o waste of nocturnal light. This pollution is provoked by the bad use of light in the cities. The sky is covered by a vast bright mantle that prevents us from seeing very often clearly the stars and that takes also á irritability of our eyes.

Eco fashion

If you're concerned about making a minimal impact on the environment you can reduce your impact by using ecological clothing. As we take steps toward sustainable living, our awareness increases to include many areas and aspects of our lives from our entertainment choices to the type of socks we pick. As you shop for sustainable clothing, keep these things in mind:

  • Look for garments made with recycled material. It may seem strange, but some of the man-made materials are actually more commonly recycled because they are incredibly sturdy.

  • Avoid cotton material that isn't either recycled or organic. Cotton is not a very green crop if it isn't grown organically because of issues surrounding extensive pesticide use and fair trade labor practices.

  • Consider shopping for used clothing in high-end thrift shops—clothing that is already made doesn't waste resources.

There are a plenty of fashion labels that already acceded to "green" fashion like Pepe jeans , who as a ecological jeans line there are made with organic cotton, Nike as a ecological clothes and footwear line and Rip Curl make a collection of boardshorts, bags and t-shirts for the Rip Curl Planet line with the slogan: We RIP, We ROCK, We CARE.

Pollution of the air

The pollution of the air, it can have different causes of contaminaçãol. These contaminations lead to the aggravation of the effect of stove. What does it do so that the Hole of the Ozono is every time bigger. It exists four great causes of contamination of the air:

  • The smoke provoked by the chimneys of the factories;

  • The smoke originating from the tubes of leak of the means of transport;

  • The burning of garbage;

  • The excessive use of sprays as, dsodorizantes, disinfectants of the environment.

This type of pollution makes our sick air. This one, headaches or an irritation provokes a lot of of the times á our throat what also group what the nossosolhos lay water.

Pollution of the Waters

One of other great problems that put us in red alert is the Pollution of the Waters. These waters that maintain us living creatures, indespensável is ours she oversurvives. Because all our good to be (in all the nivéis) culminates around the water.

The water can be contaminated in many manners:

  • For the accumulation of garbages near fountains, wells and courses of water;

  • For the domestic sewer pipes that normally the great cities launch for the rivers or seas;

  • For the toxic residues that many factories deposit in the rivers;

  • For the fertilizers and manure chemist big whom part of the farmers use to lock the diseases of his is planted by you;

  • For the start of fuel of the boats;

  • For the nuclear radioactive residues deposited in the bottom of the sea;

  • For the accidents that lead to the hemorrhage of several tons of oil, taking with them the whole sort of sea life;

The pollution of the ground

All of we know that our planet is entering in degradation much quicker than the predicted one. As such, is our duty to try to put the things right. Beginning then with the reduction of the Pollution of our world. Then, I begin with the caused pollution of the ground. Caused since we been human. The pollution of the ground is one of the great ones hamper for the desenvolvimentgo of our Nature. It is caused by the garbages that the persons leave in the ground. Both in the street, and in the garden, in the pine forest, in the beaches, in the berms of the roads and for the cars through the windows. This everything does so that we make not ours alone Nature. It is caused by the garbages that the persons leave in the ground. Both in the street, and in the garden, in the pine forest, in the beaches, in the berms of the roads and for the cars through the windows. This everything does with what let's make not our life alone in risk but the life of other persons also.

Green Furniture

Eco-friendly stuff is the new trend even for furniture. The designs are very up to date, the materials are really good and they don´t cause environmental problems .If people looked for furniture pieces made with renewable resources they are already helping the planet , or maybe take a look at recycled furniture perhaps if you go to thrift stores and antique shops whom are filled with beautiful furniture. Those pieces are green simply because we don´t use any resources to make something that already exists. But if you don´t know how to shopping for green furniture here are the top tips for eco friendly furniture:
  • Certified sustainable wood: Whether a piece of furniture is made from wood, cloth, metal, plastic, or whatever else, there are earth-friendly options.
  • Furniture made with reclaimed materials: wood is taken care of, and sometimes even if it isn't, it can last a really, really long time. So shouldn't we be able to make good use of all the wood that's already out there? A lot of designers think so and are doing just that.
  • Choose bamboo furniture
  • Recycled/recyclable metal and plastic: Since both metal and plastic are recyclable, at least in theory, these can be considered eco-friendly materials for furniture.
